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To Whom It May Concern...part 2
"....,just great..." Luna says while running into the 4th Ave. train station. "Stupid F train is just pulling out. Oh well, I guess its no rush anyway. Got an hour to kill." Walks among the crowd of yuppies with their cameras. "God the holidays are over already," she mumbles to herself. She turns around, and unzips her bag, "Now where did I put it, ok good", she takes out her Ipod and her headphones, "Now lets see here...hmm, today's shuffle mode song of the day... click, click, huh, Aerosmith's Amazing. Cool".

Luna turns around, and spots another group of strange people, "Odd, its extremely bustling today here, or is it just the norm? Oh well, no use thinking about it I guess". Clips her Ipod to her side, and takes out her phone, "No use checking this today, plans are canceled as usual", she sighs loudly, and tries to find a seat on the platform, and puts her phone away.

"...That one last shot's a Permanent Vacation
And how high can you fly with broken wings?
Life's a journey not a destination
And I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings..."

Aerosmith continues singing amongst the train loudspeaker saying that there is a five minute delay.

Luna closes her eyes briefly when..."What, my phone lit up?" Glimpses her coat pocket for a moment, then shrugs it off. "Not even worth looking at right now, I see the light at the end of the tunnel." She starts to walk up to the platform and wait with the other onlookers for the F train to stop.

"I'll check my phone later I guess, must be spam".

Virus arrives at the airport, and parks his motorbike next to his dad's charter plane. One of another one of his dad's members waves to him, and Virus waves back, unbeknown to him that he was gesturing to talk to him. Just as he was going to one of their Boeing 747 cargo planes, he hears a familiar voice,
"Going somewhere?"

Virus turns around and looks face to face with his father, "Tristian...I mean father what are you doing here?"

"The same goes for you", he says crossing his arms in front of him. "Don't think I got eyes everywhere Lazarus."

Virus scoffs, "Yes I know, I do apologize, but you do know why or where I'm going."

"Yes but of course", he stares out into the distance. "But you intend to go alone?"

"I have my reasons father", while doing a half hearted courtesy bow to him. "I work alone, and I intend it that way".

"You know nothing of where you are going, and yet you insist on this lone wolf strategy, now why is this?" He walks up towards his son, and places his hand on his shoulder, "Do you not trust your family?"

Virus looks down at the ground, and breathes a deep sigh, "...It's not that. I just would like to know the reason myself why this is happening, and I want to see that it gets resolved my way without any disruptions or help from any outside party".

"...I see"

"I do apologize, father but I need to use your plane again. I already spoke to Ramsus about my departure, I need for everyone to send my provisions on the cargo plane".

Tristan looks at Virus puzzled, "I do not understand here. What's going on?"

"To put it bluntly father", Virus says, "We do not have much time here".

Next stop 42nd St. Grand Central Station, the 6 train chimes in.

"I guess since I'm here, I'll stop at Conde Nast just to check up", Luna says, "And hopefully I can get out of here in one piece, excuse me people", while trying to squeeze herself out of the subway car.

Sigh. She walks out of the terminal and out into the main home of the Big Apple, and sees the sky half way clearing up, "Well, looks like the sun is trying to come out. Gotta turn this off though." Takes her Ipod and locks the screen. "Time to play frogger on the sidewalk now".

After the constant hubbub of the people going back and forth, Luna arrives at Conde Nast, and opens one of the glass doors.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while, where you been?", Michael one of the security guards asks her.

"Hey Mikey," Luna chuckles, and gives him a high five, "Oh been here, done that."
"No new drawings?"
"No my friend, been re editing my previous stuff."
"You got that right".
"Where you heading to?"

"Oh just the usual place, I have to talk to Maria, my intern", she gestures with her finger upward.

"Oh alright then. Take care".
"You do the same".

"Ok, Lazarus, but I do suggest you heed my assistance".

Virus' brow goes up slightly, "And what will your assistance do for me?"

Tristian puts his arm down from Virus' shoulder, "Well let's just say, if you do. There is a couple of people dispatched in New York that can provide any help you need. You are a prince, you do know that, so..."

"Must I have a bodyguard..." Virus abruptly says, "I can take care of myself, and the more people that get involved in this, the more alarm it will cause. She is probably going to be scared enough between the Reapers, and me. If I do need sideline help, I'll let you know. All I ask is for any information on the whereabouts of these Reapers. That's enough assistance for now". Virus starts to walk away, and motions to one of his guards, "Tell Kora, I'm sorry".

"Sigh, another death, huh?" Maria folds the New York Times as Luna comes walking in the door.

"Hi, Luna. So what brings you here?"

"Oh nothing much really, just checking to see if there is any new news?"

"No not really. Still working on the article. Alot on news on these increases in deaths though".

"How is that new news? I mean isn't the crime rate high in New York City?"

"...Well", she says as she's sitting down in her chair, "It isn't as bad as LA".
"I guess".
"Enough about that though, you staying here today, Luna?"

Luna shakes her head, "No.", points to her watch, "I'm going to work soon, so I just came to say hi. After that I'm heading home", walks back towards the elevator, "I guess I'll see you, right?

"Ok, well try to take care of yourself ok?"

She didn't answer my question, "Ok", Luna waves and walks away.

In the plane Virus looks more intensely at the file that Ramsus gave him, as well as the disc on his Mac Book.

"Hmmm", gazes at a picture of Luna, "She shouldn't be hard to spot hopefully, she's beautiful for a mortal". Looks at her achievement information, "And smart".


it's 5:09 PM now on Friday, February 4, 2011

To Whom It May Concern...part 1
"So what is the meaning of this meeting?" someone asks sourly.
"Now, now prince..."
He stomped his foot, "What did I tell you about addressing me accordingly. Must I say this every time?"
"Ok, sire, Virus".
"...Well", Virus shrugged, "I guess that'll do for now. I take it must be about the sudden deaths that are happening as of late, Council".
Council furrowed his brow, "Yes, yes, and how did you know this?"
Virus stepped away, "I got eyes in the back of my head, of course. Heh, just kidding, rumors have been spreading around, that these mere deaths are more then what meets the eye."
"Yes, very much so sire...I mean Virus." He paused short of himself. "Now why must I call you this again?"
Virus shook his head, "We went through this many times Council. I prefer to be called this only to hide my lineage from this place."
"Well...you are certainly hiding it enough, the way you are dressed. I mean Virus, do you not fancy your wardrobe?"
"...Council, must we talk about this now? We have more pressing matters to attend to then my clothes."
"Yes, yes, of course". Council re-adjusted his glasses.


Virus, also know as Lazarus Lucian Antos, is one of the tenth vampire princes in the secret society of the Illuminati, known to control world affairs such as the major present day government and corporations; he is not one to be taken so lightly. Falls short of a temper, Virus tends to be secretive, hiding his identity and his lineage for all he does business with. He is to be next in line alongside his father Tristan Lucian Antos, but does not want to associate with the hierarchy, being he feels out of place. Virus tends to dress in what Council calls "Street clothes" and alot of times disappears without a trace for some time. He lives among with humans, and enjoys the pleasantries, and not the lavish lifestyle he grew up with. For many of his peers, along with his mother Kore the Queen, they go along with this, only to make him happy. But for others, its rebellious, and what they call unsanitary.

Like most vampires, Virus has some abilities he was born with. He has the ability of flight, and mind reading. Nobody knows about the mind reading though, and he tends to keep it that way. He also plays the violin, but listens to current music. He can mostly be seen wearing his headphones most of the time, even through meetings. But he does have somewhat of a kind caring nature. He is brash most of the time to show his superiority.

Also like most vampires, he is weak towards sunlight, but since he is a pureblood it only makes him tired, not burn up. He drinks blood only when need be when he's weak. He also wears a cross around his neck, imbued with holy water to form a resistance to it. Virus' wardrobe of course consists of almost everything black; and wears sneakers, tinted sunglasses, and gloves. When he's out you will always see him with his backpack consisting of his Mac Book, sketchbook, and his cell phone. He does not wear a blue tooth in his ear because he does not want to look like a snob. His eyes are a translucent sky blue, and change to a blood red. His hair is jet black, with blue tips, and he is tall and muscular for a young vampire, and knows how to use a sword very well.

"So what have you got for me, Council?" Virus said.
"Oh yes, yes, more information on what we were discussing before", he said. The sound of shuffling papers fills the air.

Virus starts to get irritated, "Why don't you tell me what it is instead of looking over your notes for pete's sake. You do know what we were talking about yesterday do you?".

"I do know, prince, but there is some new information to be had here, and that is what I am looking for".

"...Forget I asked then." He then goes to the end of the meeting hall, and pulls the drapes open. "I need a little air in here, Ramsus, looks lovely out there" he sneered politely. He pulls out a chair from the table, and puts his legs on the table, and takes out his Ipod. "So...while you're looking for these new notes of yours I'll just enjoy myself here. I sometimes wonder why you guys don't have computers already. It's the new age, and we're working with big conglomerates here. Or is this information you got just in disarray?"

"I wish I knew Virus. Romus is taking care of matters in Germany, so I'm stuck with this. How in hell does he even work with the bureau I do not know".

Virus starts to chuckle, "Beats me, he is sort of an oddball he is".

Ramsus' eyes start to light up, "Ok, here it is, more information on the one they call "The White Rabbit"".

Virus' brow slowly goes up, "So what is it then? Do we have more information on this person?"

"Well..." Ramsus starts going over his notes again, "Yes...we do. Looks like we have a name, location, some history, and it looks like an ETD. How is it possible they even got that information". He commences to walk toward the end of the hall.

"Give me the notes Ramsus. I think I'll be briefed enough on this."


"Ok, mom I'm leaving for work".

"Hey wait dear, what did I tell you, wear a coat." A jacket gets thrown in Luna's face.

"Yea...thanks mom."

"Oh don't you worry, you'll be thanking me later. Want a bagel?"
"An everything bagel?"
"Of course, what else".
Luna starts to laugh, "Thanks mom", while holding the jacket in disgust. "All this rain is annoying the hell out of me. The weatherman is being sort of a nuisance now. I was going to go to Chinatown later today too".

"I thought your plans were canceled Luna?"
"They are, as always, but I'll go by myself, I guess. That's what I get for having a fair weathered friend".

Luna's mom stands by the door and sighs, "Hope you have a good day, I mean a better day", while hugging her.

"Thanks mom, I'll try. I'll go get some dumplings later on."
"Can't wait".
"See yea"
"What's wrong mom?"
"Your books."
"Ooops, I never leave home without my backpack. Must be one of those days."
"Don't fret my pet".
"I gotta get that A train, stupid F train never runs on time. Thanks again mom".

"Name: Luna Majestic
Age: 18 (ETD)
Location: Brooklyn, NY aka The Big Apple
Description: Green eyes, short, long dark brown hair, quiet, and soft spoken. Works for Virgin records Megastore in Times Square. A freelance artist that is an intern at Conde Nast. Finishing up college at Hunter; majoring in the medical field; undetermined. Falls short of a social life with friends who need her when necessary. Loves dogs, is a movie buff, is somewhat of a nerd.
Abilities: Clairvoyant; has a weak ability to hear people's thoughts."

Virus looks over the paper again, and smiles slightly, "I really do not think this information is absolutely necessary. Mostly I need a description of what she looks like, and where she is currently residing."

"Sorry Virus", Ramsus said, "I'm just looking over this information myself as well. We have most of the files on her contacts, and some more information on her inherit abilities. Here's a document about a doctor she saw, without consent. Apparently the abilities were slowly manifesting, but then went away. I can only speculate she was given medications, so it was just an immature incident".

"Can I see that document?"
"Of course, sire, from what I was told, this information took alot of fighting to get". Ramsus hands Virus the document, "Thank you".

Virus closed his eyes for a brief moment, "The privacy act of course."
"Very much so".
He skims it slightly, and commences to read a couple of sentences, "Patient claims to hear various voices in her head, but says that it is not her own voice, but other voices. Vital signs seem normal, no fever, shows no sign of fatigue", he flings the files on the table. "I seriously wish doctors would stop over reading them like they're cattle. Well at least they didn't take her seriously, that gives us a chance, at least". He looks at his watch, "So how much time do we have till D-day?"

"Not much time. At least a day, maybe not even."

"Well, I guess that leaves us no choice then", cracking his knuckles, he looks out into the Paris skyline, "Half the day is gone, we have to get ready. I seriously do not want to take the private charter plane, but we have no choice". Virus rises from his chair, and starts to walk away, taking his bag, and putting his shades on.

Ramsus starts running after him "Are you serious? You're taking your dad's plane? He'll kill you."

Virus raises his hand out, "Be silent about it, he'll won't know. Only if you tell him he will. Besides my plane is still being worked on, and besides the point, I'm dead," he continues to walk away and waves his hand signaling his departure, chuckling loudly.

"Yea your third plane Virus", Ramsus shouts out in the far distance, "And yea, you'll be deader then dead".

He commences on laughing...


it's 7:03 AM now on Thursday, February 3, 2011

The World Ends With You (Alice)
Basically a spin-off on the Nintendo DS game, The World Ends With You. My story revolves with a girl named Luna, whom has died for some unknown reason, and a vampire who goes by the name Virus. Virus finds her and forms an alliance with her, because she inherits an ability to see death.

More info soon...

Alice Majestic (Past name: Luna)
Age: 18 (AOD)
Location: NYC
Musical tastes: Metal, Rock, Classic Rock, Pop
Ability(s): Clairvoyance
Favorite song: Panic Switch--Silversun Pickups

Born into a average family household, consisting of her closeknit family, Luna led a simple life. Quiet, smart (not intelligent, she doesn't see herself that way), humble, and somewhat of a klutz, she didn't know her life would change. One minute she's in the train station, and the next minute, she's somewhere on the outskirts of the city, on the ground with only her Ipod, and her cell phone. The next thing she knows is that she hears constant voices in her head, and visions flashing in her mind. She is the key person in which Virus was looking for called "The White Rabbit".

Age: ?
Location: ?
Musical tastes: Classical, Heavy Metal
Ability(s): Flight, mind reading
Favorite song: For Whom the Bell Tolls--Metallica

A young vampire prince from France, he dares not disclose his real name to anyone. He is somewhat of a rebel, and his attitude dares show him that way. His mission led him to find the one in which they call "The White Rabbit" or "White Noise". His mission with Alice is to seek and destroy "The Reapers" in which are killing innocent victims. But he didn't know how much time or what he was getting into himself. Virus gave Luna the nickname Alice being she is in between both worlds; she is neither alive nor dead.


it's 7:26 PM now on Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Name: Ninja
Hobbies: Medical Illustration, Photography, Writer
Birthdate: Apr.23
Quote: Devil's Never Cry...

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